Make your Dad feel special!

Our guide for the perfect gift

Find the the perfect gifts for your Dad!

Celebrate all the amazing Dads out there with our handpicked gift categories tailored to six unique Dad profiles.

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The Casual Dad

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The Classic Dad

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The Modern Dad

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The Suave Dad

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The Debonair Dad

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The Minimalist Dad


Gift By Category

Explore our carefully curated selection of Fragrance, Grooming, Home Scent, and Gift Sets. Whether he's a scent aficionado or appreciates the finer things in grooming and home scents, we have something special for every Dad.


Gift Sets

Home Fragrances

Find the perfect gift!

Struggling to find the perfect gift for Dad? Fret not! Our exclusive Libertine Quiz is here to help! Complete our short quiz about his personality and preferences, and we'll give you the perfect gifts.

Take the Quiz

eGift Cards

Stuck for choice? Spoil someone special with an eGift Card to redeem at Libertine online! Surprise and delight with a gift that can be used to shop our entire range of luxury fragrances, candles, diffusers, bath & body, skincare and more.

Shop now

Perfume Guarantee

We'll include a matching free sample with your full-size perfume purchase online. If you aren't happy with your sample, you can return your unopened fragrance and exchange it for another.

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Match My Fragrance

Searching for the perfect Father's Day gift but not sure where to begin? Discover with Match It by Michael Edwards and uncover the ideal signature scent for dad!

Find My Fragrance